Friday, September 3, 2010

Bennett has the sickies . . .

We have been dealing with what many affectionately call a "summer cold" for the last week. Bennett's nose has been running like a faucet! He is starting to cough a little and has the cutest sneezes. However, it hasn't stopped him from eating (he weighed in at 23 lbs 8 oz at the doc's office this morning!) or trying his hardest to walk.

Unfortunately, I am also a little sick (yuck!), so our days have been spent at home for the most part. We haven't been able to make it out to our playgroups or music class, boo. I just want to make this go away as quickly as possible. It's really hard to watch him writhe around in his sleep or wake up often due to coughs when he has recently been a really excellent sleeper. Also? He's waking up at 6:30 am now. He was getting up at 7:00 - 7:30 am. I'm not sure if it's related to the sickness, or just a change . . .we'll see, I suppose.

In other news - I have applied for two jobs. The first is with a local therapeutic agency called Gateway-Longview. They are a residential facility for troubled kids in the greater Buffalo area. The job I've applied for is Visitation Specialist. I understand the responsibilities to be related to helping the families have successful visits with each other. Secondly, I learned from my WM classmate that there was an opening for a psychologist in the Clarence Central Schools. I have applied for that one and then learned that it's quite different than the job I held in Virginia. They're looking for someone to serve as a school psychologist, but in a very specialized classroom and only part time. I checked with the personnel folks today and they said they should know who they want to interview by late next week. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it works out. I really miss being in the schools.

I have been spending a bit of time on a local mom forum and they are all chatting about how their kids start school next week. They are discussing traditions surrounding the first day and the unbelieveable requests on school supply lists (NINE 24-packs of crayons?). It has made me quite nostalgic and also sad that this will be the very first EVER first day of school that I do not get to participate in. I have had (and loved!) a first day of school every single year since I started kindergarten back in 1980 (or so). Sigh. I'll just have to take notes about what folks are doing so that I'm ready when Bennett hits the books for the first time!

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