Sunday, October 17, 2010

Birthday party day!

Today was Bennett's first birthday party! We had great fun with both sets of grandparents and our new friends, Ed, Christina and Logan Lobarinas. Bennett and Logan were born about a month apart, despite being due within days of each other. It is really neat to see them playing and growing alongside each other! They seem to be pretty good pals!

Bennett opened presents from grandparents in the afternoon . . . boy did he rack up! Puzzles, sorting games, clothing, handmade noisemakers, antique tins and coins and a monkey hat. The Lobarinas' gave him a very fun zoo sorting game/toy that he and Logan had lots of fun playing with together. Our gift to Bennett was a walk/ride toy that we actually gave him a couple of weeks ago to encourage his budding mobility. Tomorrow, he'll open up some books we picked out to replace the ones which have had their spines eaten. I'm not pointing fingers, but we all know who's teething in this house!

I made and iced a cake for Bennett yesterday and am very happy to report that he loved it! Granted, the cake itself was made from the apple bread that I feed him every other day. The icing/frosting was a new adventure for me and I'm very proud of how it turned out! Cream cheese frosting that wasn't too heavy or sweet. Yum! Bennett didn't spit it out - in fact, he asked for more.

AND all the playing with Logan wore him OUT. He fell to sleep quite easily and hasn't moved since. He's been asleep for an hour and a half and might have turned his head. We'll see how he does tomorrow - will he be jonesing for more cake?

Photos and a post about our trip to the pumpkin farm will come soon. We're headed to Kelkenberg farm in the late morning, if the weather holds. We had a great day today - one of few without rain or clouds in a long time.

p.s. It was great to SKYPE with Uncle Ben during the festivities this afternoon. :)

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