Saturday, November 6, 2010

Our son is the BEST!!

Just wanted to share how awesome our kid is. We went to his friend Logan's first birthday party today. The party started at 1, but because Bennett is down to one nap a day (sigh . . .) we weren't able to leave our house until about 2.

Anyway, we got there late and Bennett just dove right in. Two of his babysitters were there, so that made him instantly comfortable with the crowd. And there as a big crowd! Lots of families were invited to celebrate Logan turning one.

The point is this - with that many families there were that many presents for Logan to open. A lot! Bennett sat on the floor with Brian for the first twenty minutes and then sat in my lap for the next twenty minutes. Everyone around us was just amazed at how incredibly well behaved he was. He watched with interest as other kids dug in, but he wasn't fighting us to get at the new presents. He was content with the toys he had. And then, he played so very gently with the dog of one of the guests. It was a tiny dog who is eight years old.

He made us so very proud.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Injuries - updated

Oh! And Bennett went back to the dentist today to have that unfortunate event followed up . . . He's going to be just fine, everyone. Dr. Mike gave Brian a very good report (I was at a job interview, yay!). . . There is no increased risk of teeth falling out or turning brown/grey. The one that was chipped was actually chipped in two ways, one corner taken out and then the front plane was chipped off. Luckily, the chipping was exclusively enamel and didn't make it to the pulp at all. Also, it's not sharp enough to risk cutting his tongue or lips. Whew!

In other news - the job interview went well. I'm going back for a follow up interview next week. They want the new people to start Nov. 15. I'll have to see if I can negotiate a start date after I return from my girls' weekend! Keep your fingers crossed.


Thought you'd like to know that Bennett fed himself some yogurt with his very own spoon today! Whoo hoo! Our baby is growing up so fast, y'all.I did take a photo of it - have to download it.