Sunday, April 5, 2020

A short story

This kid loves trees. And fresh air. If anything is ever ailing him - I can just send him outside and he comes back happier than a pig in shit. True story.

This afternoon, after a lazy morning of waffles, books, puzzles, and screens - we decided to go for a walk on the campus near our house. There are rarely people there because of our quasi-lockdown status.

We found a cool tree for Bennett to climb and while he was exploring being an arborist, Brian and I noticed some very large, very cool birds flying above a nearby building. While we were admiring their flight, a campus police car drove up. I nodded at him as he rolled his window down and stopped nearby.

He said, 'Can you ask them to come down?'

I replied without thinking, 'The birds?'

The officer was not amused. 'No. The kid that you have with you.' When I gave him a puzzled look, he replied, 'They might fall out.'

Okay. Fine. I appreciate the fact that this officer used gender neutral language when speaking of my long haired fella. But he was really high up in that tree. Even if he did fall - he would have been tangled in branches and wouldn't have fallen far.

To reward our adventurous son for following the campus police officer's orders, we went for a very muddy walk through the creek that runs along the edge of campus. It was a very messy day full of smiles and laughter.

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