Friday, December 23, 2011


Tonight, Bennett and I met Brian at our favorite Mexican restaurant, El Palenque, for dinner. Bean and I had just left a play date and Brian was coming home from work. Bennett and I got there a few minutes before Brian, which was fine. They have fresh chips and salsa - yum!

Oh my goodness, y'all. Bennett literally shoveled the salsa in to his mouth. He'd load up a chip and then bite off as much as he could, licking his fingers between bites. We have given up ordering or even offering him anything else when we go there. All he eats is salsa.

Tonight he had lemonade to drink and every now and then, he'd get this semi-panicked look on his face, stick out his tongue and say, "too spicy, mama!" I'd direct his attention to his cup and he'd slurp down some lemonade to put out the fire before diving back in - teeth first.

Brian arrived just before Bennett had emptied the chip basket, thank goodness. The first thing Bennett said to Brian? "I have yummy salsa, daddy. Have good day?" Upturned salsa-covered face, sweet smile, salsa-covered hand lovingly placed on clean white t-shirt. All we could do was giggle.


  1. I think it's sweet that he asked if his dad had a good day. Good kid!

  2. Every afternoon, Ben. That's Bennett's standard greeting.
