Wednesday, April 4, 2012


I got a new job! WHEEEEE! I will be a long term substitute for a school psychologist in Amherst Central Schools. I get to work with a middle school and start April 16. I'll be there until the last day of the school year. I am finally starting to get excited about the prospect of working, but am still having trouble wrapping my brain around the fact that I'll only be at one school - full time. How luxurious!

Anyway - we've been trying to figure out what to do with Bennett while I'm working. We had such a disastrous experience with day care last time we tried that we were quite gun shy to attempt that again. Thank goodness we have such loving and available family! Granna and Oma are going to take turns coming to our house for two- to three-week shifts to help take care of Bennett! We'll keep Bean in preschool two or three mornings per week, then I'll be home from work shortly after his nap ends. I am so excited about this arrangement!

Another tough part of this was trying to figure out when and what to tell Bennett about the changes. Today, I had the perfect opportunity to let him know that I'd be working again. Brian had built a tent/fort in our living room before he left for work. Bennett was climbing in it after his nap and invited me to join him. "You come in too, mama! Come sit wiff me, please!" How could I resist? I sat on the floor near him and told him that I had something very important to tell him. Could he listen to me? He looked me right in the eyes and said, "Yes, mama. I listenin'." I told him that I was very happy because I had gotten a job and would get to go to work very soon. His initial reaction was a bit disappointed, but them I explained that it would just mean that someone else would pick him up from school and that I'd be home by the time he woke up from his nap most times.

Then, he wanted to know about what my job was and why I worked in a "very big school" and could he come to work with me sometimes. Sure, buddy. Maybe you can come to see where I work sometime. Shortly - his attention switched to something totally different - drumming I think.

We'll let him know that Oma and Granna are coming right before they show up. I don't want to rock his world too hard today!

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