Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Big Boy Bed!

First of all - I need to note that this blog has been read 2996 times as of right now. Really? Who's reading this besides our parents??? Anyway - how neat! Especially since I haven't "advertised" it or linked to it or whatever one does.

One of the neat things we discovered when we moved into this house was that some of the furniture was left by the previous tenants, who just happened to be a gaggle of college girls. One such piece was a lovely twin bed made by Ikea. I'm pretty sure it is this one. We had looked at several beds during a recent trip to Ikea and weren't really sure which one we wanted for Bennett. By leaving this bed behind, the previous gals made our choice for us and we couldn't be happier! We think that they left it because the drawers were broken, but not really. Whomever had put it together before didn't have the handy skills of my husband, who promptly found the building instructions on line and fixed those darn drawers. With the help of his father this morning, we were able to get the whole bed upstairs into Bennett's room where he napped on it and is now sleeping like a log! We let him choose the sheets and blanket. No surprise that he chose red. Oh my that kid is killing me with the red! But doesn't he look so cute?

1 comment:

  1. What a HAPPY looking boy! This should make napping and sleeping so much more appealing to him!! HOPE! HOPE!
