Wednesday, November 23, 2011

wherein he melts my heart

Today was a great day! We went to story time at the book store (which ended up not being so great because there was a guest who was horrible). Then we had a short visit with our friends Corbin and Megan (she wants me to do a sewing project for her and her son Corbin is part of Bennett's play group). After that, it was nap time. Two hours and then we were up and at 'em for the afternoon.

Bennett has begun participating in scientific studies at the University. Yesterday was his first session, today we went back for a little more. The study is with someone we'll call Dr. Hugo. He is observing the language development of children who come from a monolingual family as it compares to that of a child raised in a bilingual environment. How perfect for him that he has two children in the department who are just one month apart for comparison! Brian's co-worker has a son who is learning Chinese and English at home. I'm not sure of the details, but the study involves me playing with Bennett in a small room with an increasingly larger pile of toys. We are video taped and recorded through microphones. I'm anxious to find out the results. Dr. Hugo tells me that his goal is to track the boys for one full year, at three month increments.

The added bonus is that Bennett gets paid $15 each session. We've already got $30 in his college savings account. Whoo hoo! The boy may get some larnin'.

After we got home, Bennett and I had a great time putting the finishing touches on dinner. Then, we made mom's muffin batter together. Bennett is a very good stirrer! Very little of the batter escaped the bowl this time.

Dinner is when the little munchkin fell apart. Absolutely to pieces. We had to push his chair away from the table while we finished eating. Then, he was mostly uncooperative during bathtime. He kicked me and head-butted me as I was trying to rock him to sleep. I'd about had it when he asked me to help him find the g.d. tag on his blanket. SERIOUSLY KID!?!?!? I found it and touched his hand with it and whispered, "here it is, love."

He whispered right back, "Thank you."

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