Tuesday, August 28, 2012


We went to the playground at our neighborhood school this morning. We've gone to this park nearly every single day that we've lived in London. It's within walking distance and has a lot of fun stuff for Bennett to play with/on. Usually, we're the only people there, save for a couple of bigger kids. Today, there was a whole gaggle of children and about four women who were watching them. After being there an hour, I figured out that it was some sort of day care situation. The adults were sitting on a bench or blankets while the kids were playing. As Brian and I are wont to do - we were in the sand with Bennett encouraging him to talk with the other children. The other kids were really keen to talk and play with Brian and me. That was fun, but also discouraging because these caregivers spent the whole time we were at the park chatting about their own grown children and how they were enabling these "kids" to maintain status quo blah blah blah.

It got me thinking about friends and how hard it is to make friends when you move to a new city and how lucky I was/am to have found the Buffalo Mothers Group when we were in Buffalo. I really miss those gals and hope to find something similar here because Bennett had such a good time playing with those kids each week.

I found a similar playgroup on meetup.com (which is how I found BMG) but already, I'm disappointed, simply because it's not like the other group. I guess once I spend some time with them, I'll have to see about making it a little more active. They only schedule one event per day despite the fact that they have over 100 members. Really? I'm a little baffled that they're able to stay afloat!

Anyway - I'll give it a go. Getting out for anything will be way better than sitting at home being Bennett's only playmate!

Thanks so much to all of our friends in all the places we've lived. We miss you more than ever right now.

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