Thursday, December 20, 2012

Sleep - it does a family good

"Yesterday was plain awful!
You can say that again.
Yesterday was plain awful!
But that's not now, that's then."

I have been singing that line from Annie most of the day today. Bennett and I had a horrible day yesterday. There's no need to re-hash it in detail, it was just bad. Lots of tears, lots of yelling, lots of frustration. He was hungry, he wasn't hungry, he was tired, he wasn't tired. I was exhausted.

He started to get droopy around 5:30, but I worked all of my magic to keep him awake until he had a chance to eat dinner, and until it was a reasonable hour to go to sleep. We lasted until 7:30, just long enough to see Brian for a few minutes after he got home from work. We read one super hero comic and the littlest super hero was down for the count.

He woke up this morning at 8:15, when I woke him up to go to school.

Today, he's been generally peaceful, playful and cheerful. He's remembering his manners. Quiet time happened without much fuss, except here near the end when he told me he was wet from the humidifier. I went to check on things and not only had he turned the humidifier over on our wood floor, he'd dismantled one of my necklaces and unbent an earring that were on my night stand. I knew it was too quiet up there!

Here's hoping for another good night's sleep and happy boy tomorrow.

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