Monday, January 28, 2013

Make-It Monday, January 28

(Edited to add: please forgive the typos and lack of captions. I don't know why Blogger won't let me edit them. I'll keep trying! Also - Bennett had several costume changes as the day progressed. I promise these were all taken today.)

Since Bennett is in school five mornings a week, we have all afternoon to play and learn together. We survived last week without any prior planning or organization, although it wasn't really pretty. Over the weekend, I decided that we needed to put a little effort into what we do each afternoon. Neither one of us does well with lack of structure!

I've decided to try organizing the week like this:
Make-It Monday: Every Monday afternoon we'll take on some sort of "making" project. Today's effort will be detailed below. I've got ideas for Valentine's Day, baking/cooking, building, etc.
To You Tuesday: We'll practice letter writing. Don't be surprised if you find something fun in your mailbox! If you're a non-family reader, send me your mailing address - we'll surprise you too!
Library Wednesday: We've been going to the library on Wednesday afternoons for a while and will continue this tradition. (Need a clever name, though . . . )
Thursdays are Oma Dates: Bennett spends Thursday afternoons with Oma and Grandpa. Yay for everyone !!
Go There Friday: We'll visit a local place - park, museum, hiking trail, creek, etc.

So - today we made yogurt and pear sauce. My mom gave us her yogurt maker when we were visiting over Christmas. Bennett has been talking about making yogurt ever since. I finally got up the nerve to try and got the supplies we needed this week. It is going to take several hours to be finished - it's so hard to wait!

First step was to heat the milk until it "climbed" the sides of our pot. I got distracted, so our milk boiled over - ACK! I'm really hoping it doesn't affect the outcome.

Second - had to let the milk cool to room temp.

Third - we had to strain the cooked and cooled milk. Oh my that made a serious mess. Thank goodness Bennett likes to help me clean!

Fourth - mix a little cooled milk with "natural yogurt". We used plain greek yogurt that we had in the fridge. Again, a variation that I really hope doesn't affect the final product!

Fifth - mix that mixture into the rest of the cooled milk.

Sixth - pour the milk/yogurt into the seven jars and place in the yogurt cooker, cover and turn it on. Then leave it alone! Like a souffle, you have to be careful that you don't jar the maker while it's cooking. I'm not sure what will happen if it gets bumped, but I"m trying really hard not to learn.

Final product - write review here!

While we were in the process of waiting for the milk to cool, Bennett wanted to help me wash the dishes. He loves playing in the water so much! As you can see, there's was a lot of clean up from the cleaning. It means that my floor got washed, right?

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1 comment:

  1. That looks like a lot of fun! I've never tried to make yogurt that way.

    Oh, and how about "Wonder Wednesdays" as a title?
