Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Night Time Is the Right Time

For the last month, Bennett hasn't been napping during the day, which means that he's been going to bed earlier at night. Before, when he was napping, he often wouldn't fall asleep until 9:30 or so. Now, he's typically asleep by 7:30 - a life-changing difference, for sure!

Tonight, something went haywire. I was with him in his room (rocking, lying on his bed, sitting in his rocking chair alone, standing by the door trying to sneak out unnoticed . . . ) from 7:00 until 8:05. I finally was able to sneak out, even though I KNEW he was still awake and came downstairs to help Brian with dinner.

I was talking with Brian quietly in the kitchen about what had happened. He was in the middle of telling me a story about someone at work who has a two year old who puts herself to sleep. What's that? I don't know anything about that mess. Anyway - we both turned at the sound of the pocket door quietly slipping into its pocket. And there stood our son, shit-eating grin on his face, unders on backward, waltzing into the kitchen. "Dad! I got dressed and came down to help you." Oh yeah? We couldn't stop giggling. Brian went up to help him fall asleep and just came down. Now the door is opening again. Crap. My turn.

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