Saturday, December 17, 2011

The Rocker

He fell asleep in his rocking chair again tonight. I was able to move him to his bed after he'd been down for an hour or so, thank goodness. I don't know where this is coming from!

He's been trying to so hard to be "big" and go to sleep on his own, but he's not as brave as he thinks. Maybe. Maybe he's just so used to having me there, that even though he knows I'm going to leave when I put him in his bed, he still thinks I'll come back.

Tonight - we were getting him dressed (read: baby wrangling a thirty pound alligator) and it took longer than usual, so we had to cut our book reading from three books to two. He blew me away when he didn't protest or demand another book or fifTEEN. Check out this video to understand how that number is supposed to sound: John John Counting. He simply got up to hug Brian, and then climbed in his bed and said "night night". WHAT?!?! You're all grown up now?

Yeah, right. We hugged him, told him we loved him and that we'd see him in the morning. Brian flipped the light switch off and we left. There were immediate tears and when I finally got the monitor turned on, I could see that he was trying to turn on his lamp and in the process, hit the ottoman at the rocker and fell over. I couldn't just leave him in there at that point, so I went in. He said, "Mama, rock?" Of course, my sweet love.

We rocked for a few minutes and he got all loungy and relaxed, so I leaned in real close to his ear and whispered, "Would you like for mama to leave you here on the rocker by yourself to fall asleep?" His reply, "Yes, please." So I did.

He stayed there for a little while, but then he started to cry and wandered around. He rested for a while in his bed, then got out and propped the blanket on the end of it before walking back to the rocker. He ultimately fell asleep there and I moved him back to his bed where he still sleeps peacefully.

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