Monday, December 12, 2011


We put Bennett down for sleep tonight after having a little talk about how big boys sleep. The key is that when they wake up in the middle of the night, they get back in their bed and put themselves to sleep again. They don't cry for mama . . .

I looked at the monitor about fifteen minutes ago and saw this:
I thought he had just rolled out of his bed - the brown blob in the middle of the white was his hand and the brown blob at the bottom of the screen was his head in my opinion. Then, I scrolled the camera based on a hunch and found this:

It seems he followed my advice a little bit. I hadn't even heard him get out of bed. Good boy!

After quieting our laughter, I went in to move him back to his bed. Not a peep. And for the record, he's holding his bubby in the bottom photo. Kept his security with him, I see.


  1. He may be channeling Gunkle, who always was partial to sleeping in his recliner...
