Saturday, October 1, 2011

two new things today!

So, Bennett received his first hockey stick today. Actually, two hockey sticks and a street hockey ball. I'm surprised that he's using them correctly more often than not. Uncle Trevor, he appears to hold it like you, whatever that means!?

See the video below for a demonstration of his killer skills.
Notice that we're not really sure if we should focus on his slap shot or his sit spin . . . eh, I guess we've got time, right?

(Mom, this next story is for you!)
Tonight we decided to give Bennett a little haircut. He's been asking to use the "clips" for several days. I promised him that if he shut his trap about it we'd cut his hair this weekend. Don't you know he didn't ask about them one time today? When we needed to kill a little time before bedtime, Brian piped up, "Hey, you wanna cut your hair? Use the clippers?" Why, yes, dad - an emphatic yes. He practically threw his new hockey sticks into the corner and raced up the stairs.

As we're trimming his hair (don't worry, we didn't take much off at all), he starts to whiper because the hair is itchy. Sound familiar? Brian eventually put the clippers down and started to brush Bennett's neck, etc. As I went down the stairs to shake the drape off on the front porch, I hear a tiny voice pipe up, "MYSELF!" He grabbed the clippers out of Brian's hand and promptly took a chunk out of his hair, front and center. Granna's boy. I don't have a photo of that, unfortunately. Luckily, you can't really tell because we grabbed the clippers back pronto and began the "big boy shower".

p.s. no actual children were harmed during the filming of the previous video. :)

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