Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Self-Isolation Day 5

Today we hosted a personal playdate. I know, I know . . . no judgement here. We have been self-isolating since Wednesday or Thursday of last week (other than me going to work), and we're making the choice to help a friend who has a child Bennett's age, two working parents, and no other support for care during the day.

It was awesome. My mom got a little respite from being constant playmate, I was able to go into work to get some textbooks and sort out some new due dates, and Bennett had a blast with a friend. They watched portions of a couple of war movies, they had epic nerf battles, maybe ate some lunch? I'm not real sure - I sent food down to the basement, but am pretty sure they'd had a LOT of snacks instead.

This afternoon, they willingly went on a nature walk with me! Gasp! It's true. Here's how it actually went down: We're standing in our kitchen, after they've had "lunch" and are taking a pee break during We Were Soldiers. I said, "Hey guys - after your movie, we're going outside for a hike."

One of them said, dryly, "Why?"

I replied, "To get some fresh air and some sunshine. You've been in the basement too long . . . I'm worried you'll shrivel up and that would be bad."

Mine asked, "Can we have a laser tag battle?"

Me: "Yes."

Mine: "In the woods?"

Me: "Yes."

Mine: (hopefully feeling like he's pushing his luck . . .) "Along the creek?"

Me: "Sure. That sounds fun!"

They BOTH whooped and hollered and jumped around the kitchen like I'd just told them they could have ice cream for three meals a day.

An hour later they were upstairs after abandoning their movie. They geared up and we headed out. They were only ready to come back in because they were a little chilly and had muddy pants.
These boys have been thick as thieves for seven years.
They're going to hang again on Thursday - at the other kid's house. Sometimes, being an only kid doesn't suck.

We also saw lots of nature on this hike, even though there wasn't a lot of greenery just yet.

Evidence of recent beaver activity!
Downed bee hive!!
Woodpecker holes on a downed tree
Is it art? Or is it?
Homesteading/Stockpiling update . . . After taking inventory of the kitchen (pantry, fridge and freezer) the other day, we've figured out what we need to have enough food on hand to feed the family for a month or so.

We have made seven meals worth of tomato sauce, two dinners of marinated pork tenderloin, two chicken fajita freezer meals so far. Tonight, I'm prepping more chicken for the grill with a variety of marinades - BBQ, southwest heat, and middle eastern. Tomorrow, I'll be making a batch of chili to freeze for topping nachos, eating solo or serving as a dip. What's your favorite meal to eat if you have to eat in every meal for four weeks? What could you never get tired of?


  1. Must add nature hike to the curriculum! Over here, we NEVER get sick of tacos. Any kind - steak, chicken, shrimp, bean, pork, breakfast...if I can fit it in a tortilla, it sells!

  2. I love the idea of a breakfast taco!! Perhaps we can meet up (at a safe distance) next week in the park. B loves to walk on the 'banana trail'!
