Monday, September 19, 2011

The reason I haven't updated recently . . .

is because Bennett has been having a couple of rough days! I don't know if it's the molars coming in, runny nose and congestion, or just being nearly two. Hell, maybe it's all three. Anyway - we've been dealing with a lot of whiny-heiny business and that makes it hard to celebrate the really cute times.

Today, for example, we didn't have any play dates planned, so we spent the morning running errands. Bennett was exceptionally good at Target (including four requests to go pee in their potty) and JoAnn fabric store. He usually cries when we have to go to the fabric store, but not today! Yay! Then, we got home and he promptly peed in his carseat. Then he peed on the high chair.

After a one hour nap (!) he peed on himself several times before making it to the toilet. He then peed on the living room chair AND in his crib when I put him up there for a couple of minutes of "regrouping". I put him in a diaper after that. Ugh! I don't like it when I lose my patience.

The good stuff (lest I forget that there is good stuff, every day!): he put some puzzles together, he read some books with me. He snuggled on my lap a LOT today. We baked cookies together and he didn't make a total mess of the kitchen like last time! He ate well at lunch (two cheese sticks and some grapes, don't judge me!). AND he pooped in the potty twice. That's surely a success.

The great thing is that tomorrow is another day. We're hosting playgroup and then meeting up with friends in the afternoon at a playground. Let's hope that the weather is nice!!

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