Friday, April 27, 2012

Teacher's Pet, Teacher's Pet, Bennett is the Teacher's Pet

There are two main teachers in Bennett's class - Ms. Vivian is the lead teacher, Ms. Stephanie is the other teacher. There are also anywhere from three to five other adults in the class on a given day. These "ladies" as Bennett likes to call them, are all undergraduate students majoring in early childhood education who do a work study at ECRC.

Today, at the end of semester party, Ms. Stephanie sat down to chat with Brian and me for a few minutes. She relayed the following story. I'm going to use quotes since she's the one talking, but I'm totally paraphrasing for brevity.

"Each of the 'interns' is responsible for creating and leading a lesson every couple of weeks. Part of that lesson is circle time, when the kids all sit in a circle to talk about the new information or read a book and discuss. Mr. and Mrs. Allman - all of the interns ask to do their lesson on a day when Bennett is here. He is one of the few kids who engages with them when we're at circle time. It's so much fun and they all want it to be part of their lesson!"

Atta boy - jump on in there, kid!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like he's a more proactive learner than my students are! Attaboy, indeed... :)
