Friday, April 20, 2012

Working Mom

We flew through our first week as a dual-income family. Whoo hoo!!! I'm so thankful that Oma was able to be here to help us keep Bennett on his "normal" schedule. I think that having the support of our families is making all the difference. We had zero tears today when I left, which made me so happy.

Bennett wore unders all day today - even at naptime! He watered several trees this afternoon, pulling his clothes down and back up all by himself. I was worried that he would have a lot of difficulty with the potty training since there were other big changes going on, but he's a champ!

I didn't feel much "mommy guilt" this week either. Sure, I missed him, but I wasn't constantly worried about whether or not we were doing the right thing for him. It will feel even more right when that first pay check arrives in two weeks, but for now, I'm just loving being surrounded by other professionals. I was asked for my opinion several times this week, and not just about kid related things. Don't get me wrong, I love it when my friends ask me how I feel about some behavior or milestone or whatnot that their kid is experiencing that Bennett went through . . . but being asked whether or not I would choose one particular assessment over another based on curricular criteria got my heart all aflutter.

One thing I've got to remind myself is that this is a temp job. I'm a sub and will be a sub for the entirety of this work experience. I can not allow myself to get too attached to these people or this building or the process. I will be leaving it at the end of June. As sad as that it, it's the truth.

But Bennett will be waiting for me with open arms, open heart and slobbery kisses. :)


  1. I know what you mean when you say being around other professionals feels good. Got a dose of that at the conference in Vancouver.
