Monday, April 16, 2012

We survived!!

We all survived my first day at work as a mother. (We're not counting those bizarre six weeks when I worked at the day care.) I'm so excited to report that there were very few tears from the little guy. He was sad when I left, sure, but Brian got him calmed down pretty quickly.

The more remarkable fact is that Bennett DID. NOT. CRY. when Brian left him at school this morning. WTH??? I'm so proud of him.

Oma picked him up from school today and he said to her as she came in, "Oma! I was looking for you!" Then, he showed her all around the room and left holding her hand. Again, with no tears. They came home, he ate a big lunch and then went down for his nap with little fuss. When I came home, finally around 5:20 (there was a very unfortunate required faculty meeting, ugh.) I honked the horn and he was banging on the glass door for me to come in. We chatted at super high speed for a long time and then went outside to play.

I couldn't stop hugging him and telling him how proud I was for him. He was then awesome at dinner. We went to Red Robin and he ordered his very own dinner. "This burger right here and those apples." And juice. Precious. I want to chew his cheeks.

Putting him to bed tonight was a little tougher than normal, but better than last night. Yay! Thanks for all your good wishes . . . they worked!

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